"Job Search Strategies, That Work" is...
1) A Teaching Resource
The video sessions can be used in-person or online by Employment Counsellors and all others who assist newcomers in obtaining employment. Each session provides a mechanism to launch into that subject by providing a clear and concise overview of the topic.
2) A Distance Learning Tool
Newcomers, pre and post arrival, can access these online sessions to study and learn wherever and whenever they wish. This library of employment information is available to newcomers 24/7 that they can access when it is convenient for them.
"Job Search Strategies, That Work" is...
A Credible Source of Employment Information.
The video sessions include interviews with people from across the country including hiring managers, employment counsellors and former newcomers. The interviews support the information provided and most importantly add considerable credibility as we hear from...
Those directly involved in the hiring process...
Nabeel Khan
Regional V/P, RBC
Mississauga Centre Market
"In order to prepare for the interview, one thing I would say is that research matters."
Those who teach how to effectively find a job...
Mojgan Haghi
Manager COSTI,
Weston Employment Services
"I highly suggest to newcomers take time to customize their resume for every job."
Those former newcomers to Canada...
Temitope Omojaro
Senior Financial Analyst, Kimberly-Clark Canada
"As a newcomer to Canada I consider networking very important."
Content Development
"Job Search Strategies, That Work" is...
Thoroughly Reviewed and Tested
All information was reviewed by experienced employment counsellors and the language used has been examined by qualified language assessors to ensure it is an appropriate level to accommodate the widest possible pool of newcomers.
The video sessions have been focus group tested, both with employment counsellors and newcomers.
(See Focus Group Comment page for further details.)